Production years: 2014-Current
Number produced: 250+
Real-world cruise speed: 400 knots
Real-world range max Fuel: 1200NM
Real-world range 4 Passengers: 800NM
Gallons Per Hour: 140
Seats: 2 Cockpit, 4 club, 1 side facing, optional belted lavatory.
Typical asking price: $3.5M - $5M

Empty (typical) weight: 6,700lbs Cabin height: 4'8
Max ramp weight: 10,800lbs Cabin width: 4'9
Max takeoff weight: 10,700lbs Cabin Length: 11'
Zero fuel weight: 8,400lbs Aircraft length: 42'7
Max landing weight: 9,900lbs Aircraft tail height: 13'7
Fuel capacity: 3,220lbs Wingspan: 47'3
Forward cargo: 400lbs Rear cargo: 325lbs
The Citation M2 offers a large step up in the CJ line of aircraft with the G3000 Cockpit and upgraded FADEC engines. The cockpit is completely redesigned, and Cessna eliminated many switches offering a very clean look. The cabin has been modernized and winglets added to increase ramp appeal. Under most conditions you’ll cruise at 400 knots all day long.