CitationJet “CJ”
Production years: 1993-1999
Number produced: 359
Real-world cruise speed: 360 knots
Real-world range max fuel: 1000NM
Real-world range 4 Passengers: 750NM
Gallons per hour: 130
Seats: 2 Cockpit, 4 club, 1 side facing, optional belted lavatory.
Typical asking price: $1.6M
Empty (typical) weight: 6,600lbs Cabin height: 4'8
Max ramp weight: 10,500lbs Cabin width: 4'9
Max takeoff weight: 10,400lbs Cabin Length: 11'
Zero fuel weight: 8,400lbs Aircraft length: 42'7
Max landing weight: 9,700lbs Aircraft tail height: 13'7
Fuel capacity: 3,220lbs Wingspan: 46'9
Forward cargo: 425lbs Rear cargo: 325lbs
The CitationJet was a clean-sheet design from Cessna over “legacy” models introduced in 1993. NASA assisted with laminar flow wing design to bring a new level of efficiency to the light jet fleet. The CJ series was certified for single pilot operations from day one. The original cockpit is a 6 pack standard design with basic radios and an antiquated FMS, although the majority of the fleet has been updated to incorporate Garmin GPS/NAV/COM units with the latest iteration being the GTN 750/750xi. 16 models have the G1000 cockpit conversion, and as of January 2021 an STC was released for the G600TXI and GFC 600 autopilot.